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Monday, May 10, 2010

Hello Earth

I am one of many of you. Another soul with another story that leads down another road that's different than your own. That does not make me unique, but instead, another cog in a great wheel.

I am a tired man, beating dead horses in hopes that one of them might rise back up and promise me my happy ending. Is that too much for you? My quiet reader. My voiceless companion who only observes. My silent voyeur who finds reason or madness or stupidity strewn together in strings of my lost and meaningless words.

If so than I apologize. I do not expect many to comprehend my ramblings. Many times, I cannot make sense of them myself. If my dismal facade affects you in a negative way, than you need to turn back.

The light-hearted shall find no quarter here.

Why seek me out if you are carrying sunshine upon your shoulders and a smile on your face?
You and I have nothing in common.

For if this is how you live your life, than we will never see eye to eye. Because these things you choose to ignore are the things I carry upon my back.

I forget who the man was, but he was condemned to die. At the time a means of execution was to "crush" the candidate by laying him/her down, placing a flat surface over them and stacking large rocks on top, one by one. Eventually, the weight would crush the life from the condemned.

As this man was being crushed slowly to death they asked him is he had any final words.
In his final act of defiance he uttered:

"More weight."

Of course, I am not being crushed physically by stones for unsaid crimes. Instead, I am being crushed by something intangible.
The pursuit of [happyness]

My happiness is my body of work.

Ever since I was a young boy, I have always dreamed of music and film.
My means to manifest my dreams into a reality for all to see.

Through my teenage years I was in several bands as the singer, and I also spent time with friends making stupid films with elaborate plots and zero budget.

I was so certain that I had a knack for it.

But teenage certainty is as guaranteed as the lottery.

For any young readers of my posts, allow me to offer words of wisdom based on years of experience

It is okay to dream, in fact, it is encouraged.

But don't be a fool like I was and count on your dreams to come true.

More often than not, they wont.


Yes, I know.

But that is life.
That is reality.

Your head must stay on your shoulders and you must keep your self tethered close to the ground.

Don't count on your dreams to promise you a happy ending.

Until they are real, they are only dreams.

I am proud of my work.
Some others from around the globe have offered me their approval as well.

But my point has not been established.

I seek to involve my listeners.

My music is the door way to my soul.

All I have ever asked is that I have some company.

Like minded souls who want to elaborate with me on the way of things.

Hopefully, I will find such people here.

So this is my broken hello.

It may not make sense.
I don't care if it does.

I have found a medium to share my inner workings with you,
my unsung strangers.

Perhaps the light at the end of the tunnel is your involvement.
Perhaps your appreciation can validate the years of my life wasted on chasing my dreams.

This is my fairy tale, and I'm inviting you to be a part of it.